Helping people find a financial adviser they can trust.


UX Design
UI Design
Visual Design


The Challenge
Brian from AdWiser reached out to design a personal passion project which turns out to solve a major problem in the Financial Advisory space.
  • People’s expectations of their financial adviser is highly variable and mostly unknown.
  • Currently people find financial advisors through referrals from friends, through their bank or cold calls from financial advisers. They don’t find an adviser based on their own financial needs.
  • Financial Service Providers does not know how clients feel about their financial advisers in the field.
Should a customer know the complex processes and regulations or is there a better way we can help people find financial advisors? Simply put, can we translate the complex process into a simple rating people can understand.
AdWiser is a platform for South Africans to find a financial advisor they can trust based on location, services, fees, language and off coarse a rating based on the advice given to others.

Brand Identity

Colour Palette
The colour palette has a personal flair for Brian. Purple is his oldest daughter's favourite colour and mint his youngest daughter. I played around with the colours to find the perfect combination that will both work for user interface purposes as well as getting approval from the 2 artists themselves.
The original AdWiser logo was created with “wise” in mind — the logo purely an image of an owl and a rounded font. The new logo has a simplified architecture — from the original complex image to a single outline of an owl, with emphasis on the search around the owl’s eye. The new logo keeps the essence of “wise” but adding the core functionality of “search”.

The revision of the owl was to create a cleaner, simpler and more inviting shape. The owl now bears personality and human traits of friendliness, trust and wisdom. The platform caters for 2 core
audiences. The wing direction changes the logo for these 2 audiences.
Primary logo
For people looking for a financial adviser. The raised wing represents ‘direction’.
Secondary logo
For financial advisers creating and maintaining their profiles. Both wings on an angle represents ‘confidence’.

Product design

Choosing a front-end library
The UI library is not your brand, it's merely a starting point and enabler to get software out as quick as possible. I therefor help the developer choose a library based on site functionality. From there it's a continues negotiation between brand, usability, core functionality and development time for the need of any custom components.

Defining the MVP
The challenge for this product was mostly time to market. So to come up with a proper minimum viable product was our first task.

The Search, basic search result, login & register, adviser profile and adviser dashboard was our starting point.
Home page with primary search functionality
UX Design
The different subscription options for advisers created many different search result and adviser profile scenarios. These flows were all designed out in detail with Brian on Miro. We used Miro as we were in different physical locations.
Designing in collaboration with your client or business stakeholder ensures better client satisfaction and faster sign-off.
Home page - search result
Login & Register with both audiences in mind
Customer facing - Adviser profile
Review process
The 3 question review process was a product differentiator for Brian. The design problem we had to solve was, how do you explain the financial adviser process and what is expected of the financial adviser for each step as well as giving the financial adviser a rating per step.

We solved it with content writing and conversation design. There are 3 questions each relating to a very specific phase in a typical adviser-client interaction. The answer to the question changes depending on how the user rates the adviser using the slider input.
Review process - 3 questions
Review process - comments
AdWiser for Financial Advisers
To give the financial adviser a true view of what his profile will look like for his potential customers, his profile view is a duplicate of the customer facing profile view, the only difference is the edit icons per section. Each icon will bring a modal to edit the content.

These modals also serve as the on boarding and register flow for financial advisers. Not only creating familiar user patterns but also saving on development time.
Financial Adviser Profile Setup
The Adviser dashboard will be home to metrics and data all showing performance and ranking. Also widgets to make it as easy as possible to invite clients to review them. Exciting things are planned for this space coming soon...
Financial Adviser Dashboard
Financial Adviser Ratings and Review Dashboard
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Contact me
Marli Terblanche
I am based in Stellenbosch, but connected world wide through technology.

082 839